
Well, here I am. The prodigal son has returned...and with me, I have found a couple of bonus blogs that were never even posted. Hopefully, I've remembered how to use this site and will find a way to post them.

It's been nearly 8 months since I've last sent my personal life out into cyberspace. Who in the world could have come up with such a fantastical idea such as this? "Hmm...let's create a site where any average person can pour their souls out for mass consumption, probably by bored and cynical youths to make fun of?" Oh well. Oh wait. Am I cynical? Do I still have my youth?

Much has happened. My grandfather passed away, but I believe I wrote about that in a blog that was never posted. I've since decided to become more disciplined and dove back into the world of academia full throttle (yes, a shameless reference to say the least...I have a thing for the "Charlie's Angels" movies...shake that ass, Cameron!) and it's nearly killing me. I had almost forgotten the demands of having to use my brain. Ouch! The pinching! But this forthcoming semester, the semester to end all semester. This is the period of time that will make or break me. On December 6, 2003, I will be sitting down for a 4 1/2 hour exam that will determine whether the fine legal system of this country deems me fit to practice as a legal aide. Let's keep our fingers crossed, folks, because you know what comes next...law school.

Between working full time and trying to squeeze in an educational career as well, I have become disconnected with the world. My friends, my family, are all at arms length. I have no time, it seems. When I'm not at work, I'm face down in a book and vice versa. I miss my life. I miss my loved ones. I miss myself, if you can believe it. And I am constantly asking myself, "Is this all worth it? Is the payoff going to be worth the lost time?" It's safe to assume that I pray all the time that the answer is "Yes."

I guess that should finish this latest and newest entry. I'd forgotten how cathartic this whole process is...at least now I have a nifty new laptop to fiddle with, so with that, I'll bid the world adieu.
