---> The sprinkler is on outside. The streams of water make gentle contact with the window behind me. Soft, quiet liquid lines run down the pane so that every 20 seconds or so, it’s like I’m caught in the middle of a refreshing rainstorm. Silky, ambient music drifts from the speakers of my radio. Music with an Asian influence; synthesized voices layered on top of soothing bops, layered on top of a single mandolin. Mr. Kerouac is at my side; his verbal magic fills the room. The written genius of each and every word that flows from his mind light up the space, like individual firecrackers. And here I sit, with nothing much in the way of thoughts, other than the fact that sometimes, just sometimes, I am completely amazed at how much life can exist in a single moment………..<---
____________So that is where I was one year ago today. And what I find strange about what I wrote then, is that today, I found myself in more or less the same mood. I was just sort of awe struck at how life can be its most powerful in the simplest and purest of forms. Then, it was gentle music and the sounds of water caressing the walls around me. Today, it was gentle music and the sight of an unbelievable sunset. I wish I was more able to find these moments, but then again, my guess is that if I were able to experience them all the time, they would lose some of their magic, some of their meaning...and I wouldn't want to cheapen the feeling of being inside moments like these by even 1/10. Here's hoping all of you can find yourself inside a second of sheer purity...
///On a lighter note, I borrowed a CD from some Irish guy I know (like that shout out, How?) by a group called Flogging Molly and the name of the album is "Drunken Lullabies" (what's that? The Irish folk actually drink?) Anyhow, if you get a chance or just happen upon the album, give it a serious listen, because it flat out rocks. It's basically Irish folk rock...trippy stuff, very enjoyable. And if you don't feel like listening to any music and feel like going to a movie, check out Murder by Numbers. Saw that this weekend and it was actually very, very well done. Ahh, Sandra Bullock...why won't you just marry me? What does that McConaughey guy have that I don't? Sure, he's got some phat ranch in Texas, millions in the bank, and chiseled pecs...but does he have a Blockbuster Gold Rewards Card? I doubt it...he may -be- in movies, but I get to rent them for free. 'Eh? 'Eh? Does that sweeten the pot just a bit?
Aww...snap! I almost forgot. So 'that Irish guy' and myself are putting together a little story line and intend on actually filming it in the hopes that it'll end up on one from here on out I will be keeping all of you posted on the progress on the as yet untitled project known only now as "The OCD Experiment"...and hopefully one day in the near future I'll be able to give everyone details on where they can check it out. So, with that said, I'm out of here.
Props to my peeps...