

I have a question for all of you dear readers...what's the point in all this? What is the purpose of this thing we call "life?" You're born, you grow, you suffer, you die. I mean, sure, there may be some small pinch of happiness sprinkled in there...somewhere...extremely sporadically...but why do we even bother? Death is the only constant we have to count on in this life. If nothing else, death will never disappoint. Now, how fucked up is that? Two family members...two dear family members...two huge pieces of my heart...gone and buried within 8 months of each other. And I must ask, "Why?"

The Lord giveth, but guess what? The Lord will taketh away just as fast. I know I am supposed to be strong in my faith at times like these, but I'm not. I am pissed. I'm angered, I'm sick, I'm empty, I'm confused, I'm alone, I'm depressed, I'm shaking, I'm jaded, I'm weak, I'm not really wanting to put faith in much of anything these days, and I just don't know if I am wrong because of that. Who's next? What's next? Why bother with love when it will end up drowned in a pool of reality?

I guess I'm not making any sense...but I have that right, because right now...I am nothing but sad.
