

I'm starting this out with the intention of it being a short and sweet post, but we'll have to wait and see if I can actually accomplish just that. I was outside a minute ago, and I began thinking to myself. You know, there is such a harsh stereotype about the Southeastern part of the United States. People are oh so quick to just tear the South to shreds...but while I was outside, I thought to myself: "I can't think of another place in this country, or even in this world, other than the South, where you can sit on your front porch, stare out over a peacefully flowing river and be bathed in gentle beams of evening sunshine that quietly find their way through the history-filled branches of a 150 year old Magnolia tree.

Now that description may be a bit too cutesy for some, even tacky to others, but until you experience it for yourself, you really have no understanding of what an amazing part of the world this is. Now, I want to travel and see as much of creation as possible, but if I never find myself moving away, and growing old in the deep South, I think I will go a happy man. Like I said a few days earlier, it is sometimes nice to believe in magic...and where I find myself right now, well, I am surrounded by nothing but...

See you soon, good people...